Selfie World Indianapolis, Indiana - Editorial Fashion - Arianna and KD - Indianapolis Photographer

It all started with…

A message from Selfie World Indianapolis on Instagram. They reached out and invited me to come by on a Wednesday to make some art at their facility.
Of course I was going to say yes!
So I rounded up some friends and off we went.
Matty Manning came to assist and to take some selfies as well, and we had Arianna and KD for models.

One thing to note about Selfie World, it’s huge! There are so many backgrounds to pick from, that it can be a little overwhelming at first.
The good news, we know the ropes and are here to help you out.

Check out this video Matty snagged so you can get some ideas for your shoot as well.

Enough of that though!

You are here to see some photos, so let’s get down to business.

I’m writing this before heading out to a job, so please forgive any typos. I’ll swing back through and remove those tonight.

A friendly reminder that if you’re interested in getting photos like these are Selfie World we can use their facilities for photos anytime!

Red, we love red.

So naturally our first stop was this awesome rolling stones 70’s themed red room, and we had to make it pop.
I was a little nervous to be photographing sets that 5 million others have also photographed, but I have to say we still got some incredible and unique images.

One thing I found is that their lighting is overpowering to the camera so a lot of these we had to take with a very high aperture, which can make it hard to focus.
In the future for sessions, I think I would try and get the lights off. But either way, a ton of fun!

These were some of my favorites just because of how beautiful and punchy they came out.

Orange yah glad we have fun colors?

Me too! Apologies for the pun, but the important thing to take away is the orange tones in this image. I love to edit photos and play with color, and the end result is always beautiful when we have such a saturated base image. Just so much fun, this might of been one of my favorites. I’ve discovered I love orange, and plan to use more orange in future work I think.

Dragging Shutter

If you know about cameras you will know why this image has this effect. But if you don’t let me explain.
Cameras have what is called a shutter, and the shutters job is determine how long the camera is allowed to see the light (or image) coming through the lens.
In the old days they had pinhole cameras, and they would wait forever for a photo to capture as they had a very small amount of light (image) building up to what they needed slowly.

This is similar, instead of my camera capturing a brief moment. I told it to leave the shutter open a little bit longer while I moved the camera.
The key to pulling this off is using flash to freeze your subject in place.
I will get into that more in a later blog though.

Blues, moody blues

Something about this image just holds my attention, there is almost a story behind it. The strong blue tones give it a sense of mystery and wonder. The dust is actually built from an image of a constellation, as a little added nod to that “Stars in Her Eyes” feel.

Candy tones, so fun!

Arianna is an incredible friend and model, and her confidence with this background just makes a standout eye snagging image.
I initially didn’t much like these but worked the colors to have a more harmonious feel. I cant’t get enough now.

Hot Pink, amazing

I don’t think this room started this pink, but it definitely needed to be. Not much to say here other than note the color harmony in each of these is different but cohesive. That has been a big focus of mine lately. I really love how this set came to life in editing.

It’s me, being ridiculous

I love to joke around and have a good time while I work, and somehow Matty always convinces me to get into a photo haha.

The one she had to have

When we got in there this set was an immediate I have to try that from Arianna. So of course we gave it a
”shot!” Matty went in and removed the straps holding the swing up for even cooler effect.
Although I have to say, it spins. And it is not easy to pose on!

Royal Purples

KD literally looking like a queen. Absolutely incredible job, and she said she didn’t know how to model. By the end of the day was rocking all sorts of cool poses like this though! Awesome job!

Weird but oddly awesome

I almost skipped this room, and honestly I am still not sure if I like it.
What do you think?

This is a fun shot of KD while I was shooting in the weird striped room. Cheering everyone on!

Baby Blues

Ok, maybe not baby blue. But I am really running out of steam on the witty color titles. I will see it through til the end though!
KD said but I’m not a musician, and I said..
”I don’t care about that, go have fun and act like one!”
Worked out pretty well!

A great photo of our V.A.L. for the day. (Voice activated lightstand) Thanks again Matty!

I loved working at Selfie World and they said we are definitely welcome back.
If you’re interested in getting photos like these…


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