How It’s Made: AI Art Composite - Portrait - Cyberpunk - Indianapolis, Indiana

An image of a cyber punk queen with blonde hair, the image is a composite built with artificial intelligent software and my wife's face.

The Debate

I’m sure you’ve heard about Artificial Intelligence by this point. I’m sure you’ve even heard people saying the technology marks the death of mankind.
That's just dramatic.

But, a lot of people are actually very upset about it, so let’s take a closer look at Artificial Intelligence.

What does it take to make something incredible?

The only thing I have seen from where I am sitting is artists making art, and non artists making pretty bland images. For example let’s look at what happens when we ask it to draw something specific. Like a photo of an octopus.

/imagine draw this OCTOPUS

/imagine draw this OCTOPUS

As you can see, it’s not as intelligent as it’s name. (Nerdy fact, that’s called a misnomer)

Close, But No Cigar

So what do we do?

How do we get the image to go from boring and unoriginal computer art, to something unique and artistic?
For starters, you need to learn the commands and parameters that your chosen AI responds to.

We have been using Mid Journey, and have actually already written an in depth article about how to give the program instructions. We recommend reading that as well, if you are really interested in making art with Mid Journey.
If you want to read the article, click here.

So Now What?

That’s up to you!
Personally I can’t stop coming up with ideas.

Here’s what I did this time.

I noticed that getting any form of a anatomically correct image from Mid Journey is nearly impossible. It can be done; but even then it seems to use the same face for every prompt. Not much originality there.
My artistic soul is spurred by boredom, I crave new adventures and experiences. So of course I wanted to see if I could use a Mid Journey portrait with a real human face. (My Wife!)
Here are the files I was working with, keep in mind this is purely for fun. There is a lot of steps I skipped, but the core point I am making through this blog is that you can use these images as an incredible base to work off of.

Just know, they do need work.

Source Images

My Amazing Wife

She always becomes the guinea pig for my creative projects, big thank you to her for letting me put her face into other images. Living with me must be entertaining at least.

Original AI Artwork

Cyberpunk inspired with lots of glowing lights. What’s not to love there?

Photoshop Magic

This is one of those instances where a video outlining how I composite would be awesome. Unfortunately I don’t have one for you yet, but stick around and I will teach you photoshop too.
Until then, here is the final image.

Final Words

My wife’s face photoshopped onto an AI Art Drawing of a cyber punk woman.

I could of spent another hour in photoshop, making this look real. But in my humble opinion, I like the look of it without all of that.

Photorealistic-ish if you will.

That little push towards fantasy.
That’s really what this tool has given me, a vehicle to bring my dreams to life faster.

If I need something to put into a photo, I can get it without searching through other peoples work for hours.

Or if I want to make a work of art that transcends a photograph, I can do that too.
Thanks again for tuning into my writing, I’m trying to keep some fresh content coming out at least a few times a week. So make sure to subscribe to our newsletter, so you don’t miss the next one!

What art is, in reality, is this missing link, not the links which exist. It’s not what you see that is art; art is the gap.
— Marcel Duchamp

How It’s Made: AI Art Composite - Portrait - Vampire Queen - Indianapolis, Indiana


Taming a Monster: How to use AI Art and Mid Journey to Create Composites - Creative Photography -